Welcome Kindred Spirit - I am so glad that you are here!

Welcome Kindred Spirit - I am so glad that you are here!

Dear one,

You have made it, are you staying for tea?

Now, I haven't written anything too much for years in a public way (it is currently July 2022 as I write this). I have been living my cottagecore life these last few years, wandering my secret gardens, chatting with the elementals and musing on what I wish to bring forth into the world in the next phase of my life.

This site The Manifesting Garden is more of an informal place to get to know me a bit better perhaps, should you desire, and a place to learn more about my Secret Society of Good, Sshh . . .

I don't have an editor checking these pages over, as I have decided to go "analog" after years of doing the opposite.

So if I may, can I ask you to overlook the odd grammatical error, and instead read with the spirit with which these posts are intended.

My intention is for blessings of good to wash over you when you visit here. And if you know anything about me, you will know that I intend that quite literally.

And, if you don't yet know me, read on, new friend,  read on!

If you would like to  receive emails directly to your postbox by all means subscribe  and my faerie friends will zoom them over to you, the minute they are posted.

So Blessings of good to you dear one and perhaps you will drop by again sometime soon? We can meet besides the fountain?

with love,

Julie x