Manifest Your Heart's Desires with Your Soul's Light Exclusive Package for Spring 2023

Manifest Your Heart's Desires  with Your Soul's Light Exclusive Package for Spring 2023


Are you ready to Manifest your heart's desires, and or create your Soul's offerings to the world  in 2023?

Journey with me, your angel friends, the elementals, and the Light of your Soul to help you to do just that. Your desires are your Soul whispering to you. Manifest with your Soul.

I am opening up my calendar to fellow Kindred Spirits and LightBringers, artists and creatives,

to dive deeply into The Art of Soul Manifesting Your Heart- Dreams in March 2023 - onwards!

Join me and our unseen friends by conference call for two  joyful 60 minutes Soul activation sessions, plus receive The Art of Soul Manifesting Workbook to help keep you on track.

When we manifest with the help of our Soul's light, miracles really happen!

You will also receive a Soul Activation to re-align with your divine purpose and soul calling.

Plus Soul and Angel Activation and Transmission to gain clarity on, Your heart dreams.

When you Receive a Soul Light Energy Alignment it can help shift the blocks to your manifestations.

Sometimes there are hidden energy blocks holding things back especially for Light Bringers.

Your Special Art of Soul Manifesting Package includes; Two Sacred, yet joyful personal sessions with me to combine with your Soul's Light and your heart dreams.

Dearest, is now your time to manifest your heart dreams with me and your Soul's Light?

Have you been procrastinating and putting things off due to lack of clarity or confidence?

Then look no further, help is on tge way! The next step is to GET CLEAR ON YOUR HEARTS DESIRES AND COMBINE WITH YOUR SOUL'S ENERGY.

Dive into the world of your Soul and Co-Creative energy.

Combining with Divine Energy, means all things are possible.

If you have faith that you have a calling to receive your hearts desires, combined with the expression of your gifts, then anything is possible, even if you feel you are not up to the job!

If you need confidence and clarity or momentum to take the next step;

Your Soul and Angel and Elemental friends and I are here to guide you to take a quantum leap now into the world of your dream manifestations and hearts calling.

Learn HOW to Manifest your heart dreams with your Soul's light and guidance.

Divine and Soul Energy can move mountains no matter how stuck you feel, so if this package is calling you to say "yes" then do it now.

Two 60 minute Divine, Soul and Angel activations , and guidance plus practise as (you need to learn to apply the methods and techniques of Soul Manifesting.

Plus anything else we can give you to help you get comfy in your new Soul Manifesting life.

Genuinely limited places as I only work one to one with a handful of kindred ones these days.

Cost £500 for Two 60 minute conference call personal healing and Soul manifestation sessions with me to include The Art of Soul Manifesting Workbook, and special activation to remove hidden blocks.

If you Know with certainty this is for you, do book now.

If you are not sure, dithering etc, then it is not for you:)

Dearest,  book if it's a big emphatic YES and the cost is not restrictive for you.

Is this for you?

Does it have your Soul's name written all over it?

Book here now ...

*Confetti Canon* waiting for you,  🙌

Love your Soul and angel friends, Julie your manifesting guide and fairy Godmother

What does the magical book of your life say about your divine uniqueness and Soul calling? Let's find out . . .